
Platelet-Rich Plasma (aka PRP) injections can be performed for many medical conditions. The purpose is to induce the body to heal a chronic injury. Using the patient’s own blood (autologous), the platelets are separated and concentrated with a centrifuge and then injected into the injured body part.


The injection requires use of x-ray and/or ultrasound (US) to precisely place the needle. Therefore, if you are pregnant, please inform your physician prior to the procedure. The amount of x-ray exposure is within recommended safe limits for adults, but can be hazardous to the developing fetus.

If you are on blood thinners or anticoagulants, please notify your physician. Special precautions or medication adjustments may be deemed necessary. However, do not stop your medication without consulting with your physician.

You will require a driver after the procedure as it may be unsafe to operate a vehicle.

Notify your physician of any allergies you may have.

Before the procedure:

You should have avoided taking anti-inflammatory medications for at least 3 days. You should have any braces or assistive devices prescribed. Blood will be drawn from your arm and processed.

During the procedure:

You will be placed onto a special table for the procedure. After cleansing the skin and numbing the treatment area, a needle will be directed precisely to the target structure using image guidance. YOUR processed blood (PRP) will be injected. If you become lightheaded during the procedure, let your physician know.

After the procedure:

Your skin will be cleansed and a bandage applied as necessary. You will be taken to an observation area and monitored for several minutes before being discharged.

Side effects or complications:

Side effects are generally minimal and can include increased discomfort, local bruising, headache, nausea, fainting or dizziness. These symptoms are usually short-lived and will resolve themselves. More severe complications are rare such as infection, allergic reaction, or nerve injury.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at (610)954-9400.

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